Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What the President Should Have Said today....

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming. As you can tell by the pumps and by the loud wails of some politicians, the gas prices are up. Well, this is a crisis because it can have a negative effect on our tremendously expanding economy. I have tried to work with Congress and the states, but too many of the special interests have creeped in. Therefore, by executive order effective today, I am going to open up the Arctic Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for drilling. The people of Alaska have wanted it. The studies show there would be minimum impact on the environment. And this great resource lies dormant while people are suffering with the gas prices. And for what? I love caribou, but we have got to take care of our citizens.

Also effective immediately, I am issuing executive orders suspending the federal gas taxes at the pumps, as well as the environmental regulations on new refineries. Ladies and gentlemen, we havent built a new refinery in 30 years. The ones we have are only at 1/2 capacity due to the hurricanes and antiquated technology. We must take care of our citizens to make sure they can afford to go to work. Also, this new measure will create thousands of new jobs.

Let me send a message to those who call themselves friends of the planet. We all want clean air, clean oceans, and we will continue to encourage companies to innovate using alternative sources. However, at the same time, we must keep things in a position where we do not have gas shortages and people not affording to go to work. Therefore, these executive orders are necessary.

Also, I am going to meet with the 50 governors of the states. We are going to STRONGLY encourage them to issue a moratorium on state gas taxes, until we get this supply/demand differential stabilized.

Let me also address those who talk about the rich oil barons. Most oil corporations in this country are majority owned by you, the people, in the forms of stocks in your retirement accounts. It is not some rich guy in Arlington who is setting oil prices. It is a group of speculators who look at the present supply and the ever increasing demand. China and India doubled their demand last year. However, supply has been slowed due to our own insistence on not using the resources God gave us to make us less susceptible to this price speculation. We need to be drilling in the Gulf Coast, and I will work with Congress to do that. We need to be good stewards, and that means making good USE of the resources. Doing these things will put a dent in the gas prices.

To stimulate new forms of fuel in cars, we will provide tax breaks to companies who produce hydrogen cars that are affordable. We will provide tax breaks and incentives to companies who provide ways to convert our present cars to new fuels. And lastly we will provide tax incentives to those who buy these products. In this way, rather than using the stick, we will be using the carrot to get us into this new way of thinking.

Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow Americans, I am issuing these orders not because of wanting power. I am seeing everyday people suffer with gas prices while our Congress does nothing but play the blame game. I came here to Washington to solve problems, and consider this my way of getting the ball rolling. It will take some time, but we will beat these prices. God bless you all, and God bless America.