I give you--Tilda Swinton! (Hat Tip Michelle Malkin)
ONE OF Scotland's leading actresses has lashed out at Hollywood, demanding "more wise and courageous distributors" and "distributors with the kamikaze vision that spreads the broad and long view".
Tilda Swinton also took a fiercely political swipe at a "goose-stepping" Walt Disney, just months after she played a leading role in a highly successful Disney adaptation, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
The Nairn-based actress delivered her opinions at the State of Cinema address as part of the 49th San Francisco International Film Festival.
In America, where there has been a shift away from big studios towards independent film-makers, Swinton has forged a successful career in both areas.
But she said: "If I'm posting any wish to my personal Cinema Santa this year, it is for more and more wise and courageous distributors, with more and more big and small and beautiful cinemas. Distributors with the kamikaze vision that spreads the broad and long view."
Swinton also spoke out about the right-wing religious influence still dominant in the film industry.
She told the audience: "Last year, in the process of promoting two fantasy films for different Hollywood studios, I was advised on the proper protocol for talking about religion in America today.
"In brief, the directive was, hold your hands high where all can see them, step away from the vehicle and enunciate clearly, nothing to declare."
Swinton followed these statements with an attack on the politics of many powerful figures in the film industry.
Speaking about The Chronicles of Narnia, which in the run-up to its release was given a huge push by the Church, Swinton said: "I love the idea of goose-stepping old Walt D making over $700m with the help of a Red Witch. He is more than welcome.
OK, Tilda, let's review. Brokeback Mountain, New Jack City, The Vagina Monologues...Sex and the City...The Book of Daniel, and you say Hollywood is "too conservative." You know, as a lover of CS Lewis, I never thought I could enjoy more seeing the Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but now, the final battle scene where the White Witch gets her due is now oh so more satisfying, as is the scene where Gabriel gets its wings blown off in Constantine. And, not only does she play losers, but she backs a loser of a philosophy, her "Red Witch" comment--she's a Communist, and was a member of the Communist party:
At the press conference in London for Disney's film, I was asked to chilling frisson in response, if I were still a member of the Communist Party. A friendly Spanish journalist reassured me later, sotto voce and with apology for her (American) colleague, that in Spain things are more clearly understood. The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there.
The fact is, as I clarified that day, I never stopped being a communist. The fact IS that the Communist Party of Great Britain no longer exists as such. That the party was morphed into the democratic left over ten years ago. That my membership of the party was an act of faith born out of an alliance with ideals of fairness and a commitment to a welfare state that it was clear to me then was in the process of being deserted by the parliamentary left.
Yes, fairness in killing 20 million people in Russia, millions more in China, yep, it is so great, communism....What a loon! If it wasn't for the fact it is CS Lewis, I would say boycott Narnia. However, her character's end is a lot like Communisms--gobbled up by the lion of the forces of freedom.
And of course, the dumb "rhymes with witch" misses the point on the Narnia books:
In a recent interview with Netribution in the UK, Swinton suggested that the Narnia books, while admittedly spiritual, are actually "anti-religious". She said: "I would go so far as to say that not only is this not a religious book, but, if anything, it's actually an anti-religious book in the sense that it is about the very opposite of following a dogma, following a doctrine. It's about being resourceful and self-sufficient and following your own conscience and your own star, which is a very private issue and not anything to do with any set down religion."
Excuse me, have you ever read the author's other works? Have you ever studied him? While CS Lewis certainly had disagreements with the church, he was, first, most and always, a Christian. This woman is a stupid as she is skinny. No, she is more stupid than that. Wait, she's an actress...why was I looking for intelligence in the first place?
Malkin muses about this woman's comments dampening the spirit to see the next Narnia movie....I say no, because this "rhymes with witch" won't be in it. See, there is a silver lining, Michelle.