Young girls in Liberia are still being sexually exploited by aid workers and peacekeepers despite pledges to stamp out such abuse, Save the Children says.The UN is rotten to the core. There is no way for the organization to get a handle on this or any other problem. The UN should be disbanded and the world should wake up from this particular socialist dream...
Girls as young as eight are being forced to have sex in exchange for food by workers for local and international agencies, according to its report.
The agency says such abuse is continuing as people displaced by the civil war return to their villages.
The UN in Liberia said it would investigate specific allegations.
The United Nations promised to put safeguards in place after sexual abuse in the refugee camps of West Africa was first revealed four years ago.
But a study by Save the Children, which involved speaking to more than 300 people in camps for people displaced by the war, found that abuse was still widespread.
The report said that all of the respondents clearly stated that more than half of the girls in their locations were affected.
Girls from the age of eight to 18 years were being sold for sex, "commonly referred to as 'man business'," the report noted.
Would the lefties through their customary hissy fit if the United States were to go in???