Capitol Hill Democrats are notoriously weak on defense and border security issues, and the latest actions by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to derail a border security and immigration reform bill are no exception. His insistence that Constitutional questions raised by the Senate-passed immigration bill are merely "technical in nature" throws up a roadblock to necessary reform, and fits nicely with Capitol Hill Democrats' policy of opposing secure borders.
When the U.S. Senate approved an immigration bill that ran afoul of the "origination clause" of the Constitution, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) responded quickly to ensure the bill could move forward. Rather than support this effort, Harry Reid has chosen to play politics. According to the Washington Times, Reid believes the Constitution "can be ignored" in this instance. By blocking Frist and forcing him to send a bill to the House it cannot accept Constitutionally, Harry Reid is single-handedly delaying the approval of strong border security measures.
Every Member of Congress takes an oath to honor and uphold the Constitution. So why is Harry Reid itching to send a bill to the House that he knows violates the Constitution? Does he really view the Constitution with such contempt? Or is he just looking for an opportunity to triumphantly declare he "killed" another effort to strengthen our borders and secure our communities?