Friday, June 02, 2006

Bartsch's DREAM

Fellow SOB membe Conservative Culture has the story of illegal Buckeye Manuel Bartsch's trip to DeeCee in support of the DREAM Act.

Now, don't get me wrong, I support any effort taken on behalf of Bartsch to eliminate whatever red tape he may be experiencing from the federal government in regards to his immigration status. I do not support legislation that singles him out specifically.

That said, Bartsch seems to support the DREAM Act. details the horror of this particular nightmare.

WMD does not support amnesty for everybody. The DREAM Act would provide a green card to anybody who claims they came in to this country before the age of 16.

WMD does not support giviling illegal aliens an in-state tutition discount. If I can't get in-state tuition to Northern Kentucky University, I sure don't think some kid from Mexico deserves it either.

WMD does not support the flaunting of American law. The DREAM Act rewards illegal behavior and that is just not acceptable.

WMD does support Bartsch in his quest to become a legal resident of the United States and the state of Ohio.