The old adage goes: history is written by the victors. However, with the infiltration of academia and dominance thereof by the Left, it would appear that is no longer the case. In fact, history, it now seems is being written by the losers. Let me explain.
Radical liberals lost the battle of ideals. Their Marxist ways were proven not only to be impractical, but to be built on a house of lies. The workers paradises of the USSR and Cuba, Vietnam, and Cambodia were in reality repressive, regressive regimes. History should show this, it should cast communism to the dungheap.
However, in college history classes across this country, Radical liberals are not espousing that communism met its end, but rather that it never existed, and that socialism is still the way to go. Rather than teaching about America's victories, about her virtue, we get only that America is the biggest repressive force in the universe. And it goes back to our beginnings.
No one can argue that the Indians were treated fairly. No one can argue that there was true justice involved. However, to call the colonization of America a genocide is ridiculous. Many historians who are not colored by the victim mentality and the White Oppressor Theory have shown that in fact there were epidemics BEFORE the white man arrived that led to sparse Indian populations. And, if it truly were a genocide, how can there be more Indians now than their were when we landed? However, such is the case. If America is such a genocidal terror, we are monumental failures. However, you read the history books, and it is all about screwing the indian. It is all about we came and just greedily took land. Indians were always innocent and helpful. If you look at the facts, this was not always true.
Then there is the issue of slavery. If you believe history as the liberal intelligentsia tell it, then basically it was white Europeans who did all the enslaving of Black Africans. Not true! The French, as well as the English, were active in trading in slaves. And the fact remains that the Africans themselves were slave traders, who sold their brethren across the sea. This is not to say that American slavery was humane, but it should show that America was not the only oppressor. What is also interesting is that the very people who call upon America to pay slave reparations support regimes being on a human rights council that still have slavery. However, the losers of history, the liberals, control what is written in the history books and so you get America as basically the most oppressive regime ever.
Never mind that we fought wars of liberation against the Germans twice. Of course, it was really America that caused the Korean War, even though it was the Russian Communists who agitated the North to invade the South. And it is really America's fault, not the failed policies of communism, that have turned North Korea from the industrial center of the peninsula into a third world country. This is what is taught as fact to our students, even though the facts tell a different story, thus, history is being written by the losers.
In Vietnam, no one remembers that we were asked to intervene by the French. No one is taught that we were wanted there, that we in fact were winning the war. No, all that is taught is how oppressive America is. No one is taught about what happened when we left. When we left the region, after the same insidious people now teaching and lecturing in college protested and maligned our troops, true oppression reigned. Hundreds of thousands in Vietnam were killed, and over 2million were purged by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Yet, communism is the true way, and capitalism is a force for destruction and hatred and division.
Funny, tell the Japanese that. After they were decimated in WWII, it was through Capitalism they became as prosperous as they are today. What happened to China, with far more resources and land? It struggled and struggled, and its people still suffer. Tell how capitalism is so harmful to Western Germany. As the East degenerated, the West prospered after the war. It wasn't Karl Marx who was leading it, it was Adam Smith and American ideals about freedom and capitalism.
Howevr, to hear it today from "history" teachers, America is the biggest oppressor ever. We are heartless. We care only for ourselves and for our power. However, funny how we don't own France, how we don't hinder our press from printing lies about our leaders, and how we allow protestors to walk free. Ask the intelligentisa about Communist China and what they do to their protesters.
Also, these same people are talking about how this is another war of oppression. In some ways they are right. Except America is not the one doing the oppressing. Radical Islam is seeking to impose sharia on the whole world. Yet, because these people hate America and its capitalist ways, the Lefties on campus are joining with them, using such euphemisms as "Center for American Islamic Relations, the Center for Constitutional Rights, etc. These groups are fronts, in many circimstances, and have been proven so.
More and more, it seems losers are writing our history, or should I say rewriting it. The ideology they espoused has been shown faulty, but they cling to it like crazy cultists. Reagan didn't lead us to victory in the Cold War, the corruption in the Soviet Union led to its fall, no matter that records show the Russians were, until Reagan appeared on the scene, ahead of us in the arms race and it was only his policies that forced the cracks to show. Who cares that we were attacked, that the whole world believed Saddam had weapons? It had to be all cooked up in Texas?
However, there are those of us who have studied history who know the truth. We know the facts. We know that while there were some terrible things done in the name of purging communism, we do know that McCarthy was right in many cases about the communist influence in our government. We know that many in the anti-war movement in the 1960s were involved with fronts for the Soviet Union. However, this is not discussed. This is not even lifted up.
America is not perfect. She has never claimed to be. However, she is the best, last bastion and hope for freedom in the world. Our history hasn't always been perfect, but no other nation has done as much to extend freedom to its own citizens and the world than this nation. The facts support this. Some call this blind American exceptionalism. Well, there IS something exceptional about America. What nation has advanced so fast, has been so visionary with the setup of their nation, and has done so much to advance the cause of freedom? No other nation. No other nation has done so much and asked for so little. However, people such as Chomsky and Howard Zinn, two leftist true believers in the Great Oppressor ideology, paint America has oppressors, using faulty logic and data, and they are hailed. Meanwhile, the truth gets skewered and dumbed down, and we end up with a citzenry who is self loathing and not prideful enough to take interest in their own heritage, and who just nod and move on as more gets torn down. And that's just the way the losers want it.