Monday, July 31, 2006

Immigration Madness Update

The lawless New York Times has an infuriating article on efforts to crack down on illegal immigration here in Ohio. Here is a taste:
Maximino Garcia, the president of the company, which provides low-wage laborers to businesses from Pennsylvania to Texas, stood before a federal judge here on Tuesday to answer conspiracy charges of aiding illegal immigrants and money laundering. If convicted, Mr. Garcia, who pleaded not guilty, could serve 20 years in jail and forfeit his headquarters building and $12 million.

The criminal charges against Mr. Garcia and his company were brought by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, part of the Department of Homeland Security. The campaign has included at least five other federal indictments of business executives in Ohio and Kentucky and has sent payroll managers rushing to re-examine their workers’ papers and rethink plans for their work force.
How did the NYT characterize this tremendous effort to enforce our laws? They called it a "nasty surprise for the Garcia Labor Company." Because, really, breaking the law is something the New York Times supports!

And of course, the New York Times isn't happy until they turn the law enforcement crowd in to the bad guys:
It also created a new environment of fear in Ohio’s immigrant communities.

“It’s a very uneasy feeling,” said Sister Teresa Ann Wolf, a Roman Catholic nun who works with immigrant workers in Canton, Ohio. “People are afraid to leave the house to go to the store. They are afraid to come to church.”
Listen, Sister, criminals should feel uneasy. They should be afraid. They should not leave the house. All of that makes it easier for law enforcement to do their job. These people are not supposed to be here. If they had followed the rules, they would have been welcomed with open arms, but they didn't. Therefore, they need to go...

What a horrible article. Agenda journalism at its worst...