Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Brush with the President....

No, not me, but my father.

President Bush was in Cincinnati yesterday to award a volunteer mentor for his service in the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative, to go to a fundraiser for (grrr!) Mike DeWine, and also to visit Meyer Tool and give an economic speech. That is where my father met George W. Bush. Here is the story, direct from Pappy:
We were on lockdown most of the day, so we didn't move around outside our departments too much. Then, in the afternoon, a group of us were herded into a room and told to wait. Well, we grew curious after a few minutes and went to one side of it and ambled around the corner, and there was the President getting a demonstration on one of our machine tools. We watched when all of a sudden, the Presdient saw us out of the corner of his eye. 'Oh s***, we're in trouble,' we thought but then the President said, "hey, let me talk to these fellas over here." He came over and shook our hands and talked with us. He was not as short as I thought he would be. He was very amiable and not a hoity toity person at all. He seemed at home with us there in the shop. So, we then went back to our room and thought no big deal. We watched as the President gave his speech and then the President decided he wasn't just going to leave, as was the original plan. Instead, he decided he wanted to meet all of us in the shop. So, the brass lined us up and he went down the line. When he came to me, he said, "hey, I remember you." That was neat. He also talked about how he was going to keep fighting for expanding businesses like ours and fight for our freedoms.

Now you have to picture my Dad. He is about 5'11", but looks taller. He has a beard and moustache, and hair about to his neckline. most people say he looks like a smaller version of the wrestler the Undertaker. Wearing a ball cap and jeans, with a tee shirt, he meets my President. How cool is that!!!! I am so glad Dad got the chance, and so glad we have a leader who wants to meet and interact with the working people. There were very few photos, and cameras were not allowed in, so my dad just has the memory, but oh what a memory.

Dad said there were some very aggressive protestors there, who accosted some Meyer workers who had to defend themselves. In total, there were less than 30 protestors.

Mr. Bush then went on to the fundraiser, and then on to the Superdome for Monday Night Football.