Mark Warner, whom WMD regular LargeBill called the best candidate for the Dems in the 08 Presidential race, dropped out of contention for the nomination. He claimed it wasw for wanting to spend time with his family. However, speculation is beginning to come out about why Warner really bowed out. It seems he has more in common with Bubba than the false perception of being a moderate. Accoding to a gossip site called RadarOnline, it seems Warner has been somewhat of a Cassabubba himself when it comes to interns. Granted, this is coming from a gossip site, but I am still going to report on it. I am working through some back channels I have in Virginia to get some confirmation, so it is all just speculation. However, wouldn't it figure that the Dems would have their best candidate bow out rather than get subjected to scrunity for sexual impropriety when they are excoriating Republicans for alleged sexual impropriety and indifference to it? Here is the gist from
But the man the New York Times declared in March to be "The Anti-Hillary" might actually have a lot in common with her husband.
D.C. insiders are speculating that his surprise pull-out may have been sparked by concerns that alleged past sexual indiscretions could derail his campaign—especially in the midst of theMark Foley feeding frenzy.
"I can't believe no one has mentioned his philandering," a former political aide tells Radar, adding that she herself was subjected to Warner's advances in the late '90s and had heard "stories about Mark and many interns."
"This can't be isolated. I have to believe this stuff is all over," a former D.C. consultant tells Radar.
"It would be ironic if the anti-Hillary faction's best hope turned out to have the same problem as Bill," the consultant said.