Saturday, October 21, 2006

House Chair Wants CNN Seditionists Embeds Out

Duncan Hunter is sick of the seditious acts of the 527, Drive By, terrorist friendly media. Here is the story from KESQ News:
SAN DIEGO The chair of the House Armed Services Committee asked the Pentagon today to remove C-N-N reporters embedded with U-S combat units.

The network televised portions of a video on Wednesday showing insurgent snipers targeting U-S military personnel.

Executives said the tape came to the network unexpectedly through contact with an insurgent leader.

Representative Duncan Hunter wrote in his letter that, quote, "C-N-N has now served as the publicist for an enemy propaganda film featuring the killing of an American soldier."

San Diego-area Republicans Darrell Issa and Brian Bilbray also signed the letter.

C-N-N executives defended their decision to air the footage, saying its news value outweighed other concerns.

It is about time we hold accountable those who are ACTIVELY seeking to undermine not just our President, but our troops and their mission in Iraq, who knowingly consort with those who would kill our own brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. These jerks who decided to do this are no better than the terrorists they consort with. Kicking them out is the LEAST we should do to them, in my opinion. Your mileage may vary.