Monday, October 16, 2006

Immigration Madness Update

One wonders whether or not Littler Kim will take this to the UN like Mexico is "threatening" to do over our proposed border fence...

Good fences make good neighbors...I've always believed that. Of course, in the case of China and North Korea it is because one set of neighbors isn't being fed and are threatening to cause a refugee crisis for an emerging econmy and superpower...

As a matter of national security and soverignty, it is important to know who is in your is such a simple concept that even the Chinese get it... Their communist brethern here in the United States sure can't seem to get a grasp on the concept though...

UPDATE: And no for something completely different!

Britain is having immigration news there, it is happening all over the civized parts of the world, but the interestingthing is the reason for the troubles in Britan. The Sun has the story, and it is amusing; as a conservative, I've been seeing these very things about countries like Britain all along... You just can't open your doors and state treasury to everybody and expect your economy to survive. It just doesn't work that way...