Gerry's leadership changed Massachusetts forever and we'll never forget him. His work on behalf of our fishing industry and the protection of our waters has guided the fishing industry into the future and ensured that generations to come will have the opportunity to love and learn from the sea. He was a steward of the oceans."
U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass.
Truly a shame, Teddy, that you were not the steward of streams that Studds was in regards to oceans...leaving your car in the lake and a dead body to boot. Oh, yeah, and it is a shame he wasn't a steward of the pages as much as the oceans.
But, wait, there is more:
No one fought harder for human rights... He was a true pioneer.
Jim McGovern, Congressman, D-Mass.
What, the right to have sex with underage boys? I bet he was a pioneer.
Like Instapundit, who gets the hat tip for this one, I wonder if Mark Foley will be remembered in such glowing terms.
In another development, Glenn Reynolds again leads us to a great comment by Studds's sick and twisted widow, regarding his lurid molestation of an underage page:
Hara said Studds was never ashamed of the relationship with the page.
"This young man knew what he was doing," [Dean] Hara [Studds's husband by Mass. law] said. "He was at (Studds') side."
However, this young BOY was underage, in the Studds case. He was underage and was in a subservient position to Studds. In the Foley case, this page was 18 and was away from Foley..Foley resigned in disgrace, Studds was allowed to keep his job despite recommendations for censure, the Congress pressured the Justice Dept. to do nothing, and he was even offered subcommittee chair positions by Nancy Pelosi...Yet, Democrats say they have the high ground on the sexual predator thing....
...however, Studds today is being lionized. Yet Dems still want to claim they have the moral high ground on this issue...Sick..