Monday, October 23, 2006

Sherrod Brown: Special Interest Globe-Trotter

In an April 2006 article in the Toldeo Blade, a strategy memo from Sherrod Brown's primary opponent, Paul Hackett, called Brown a "globe-trotter at special interest expense" and a "part of the cesspool of Washington." And guess what? Paul Hackett was right!

Check out PoliticalMoneyLine's entry for Sherrod Brown's privately funded travel reports. Since 2000. Brown took international trips to the Ukraine, Nicaragua, the Czech Republic, Russia, Finland, Taiwan, China, Haiti, Mexico, Italy and Ireland. Domestically, Brown travelled to Florida, Deleware, Pennsylvannia, New York, Nevada, Maryland, California, and Hawaii.

Must be tough being a Congressman, eh?

Let's compare that to the privately funded trips taken by Mike DeWine. DeWine took four trips, all to Ohio on behalf of fundraising efforts for a non-profit organization in Cleveland.

Sherrod Brown ranks 69th of 640 current or former congressmen in the number of privately funded trips accepted; Sen. Mike DeWine, ranked 445th.