Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Summarizing Ted Strickland: A Soon to Be Published Editorial

( I Hope)

Here is the draft of a letter to the editor I have written for several southern Ohio papers. If you wish to use it and copy it to send to your editorial page directors in your papers in Ohio, feel free:

Dear Editor,

I have been seeing signs promoting Ted Strickland as “a leader from OUR part of Ohio.” Two problems with that. First, he may be from our part, but he does not share our values. Second, there is debate on where Mr. Strickland actually calls home.

Ted Strickland does not have Southern Ohio Values. For instance, he refused to vote to condemn an APA study which said that sexual relations between an adult and a child could be BENEFICIAL to the child. You can look it up; it was H Con Res 107 in 1999. He also gave a speech urging Congresspeople not to vote to condemn the study. Why would anyone not condemn a study which said that an adult having sex with a child could be beneficial to the child? Strickland also hired a staffer either not checking into his child predator past or not caring. The staffer denied the charges even though he was convicted and his records later mysteriously “expunged.” Of course, the Democrats will say this is Republican smear. The catch is one of Strickland’s own Democrat primary opponents, Bryan Flannery, revealed the story. Does any of this sound like YOUR values?

Even though some of us disagree with how the war in Iraq is going, most of us want to win the War on Terror and support our troops. I’m not sure Ted Strickland shares this value with us. Here are a few examples. On HR 861 June 16, 2006, which stated “that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror, the noble struggle to protect freedom from the terrorist adversary”, Ted Strickland VOTED AGAINST that declaration. He voted against HR 895, which would have been “Supporting intelligence and law enforcement programs to track terrorists and terrorist finances conducted consistent with Federal law and with appropriate Congressional consultation and specifically condemning the disclosure and publication of classified information that impairs the international fight against, etc.” In December 2005, there was HR 612, which was all about “Expressing the commitment of the House of Representatives to achieving victory in Iraq”. Being committed to victory is being committed to our troops. Do any of these votes sound like they represent YOUR values?

Lastly, where in the world does Ted call home? For taxation purposes, he lists Columbus as his primary residence, but he is registered to vote in Lisbon. Of course, the Democrats will scream more Republican smear, except, that again, the challenge was filed by a Democrat, one Columbiana County resident Jacquelyn Long of East Liverpool. The challenge alleged that Strickland, while registered to vote in Lisbon, actually lives in a condominium in Columbus -- from where he files his tax returns. It states that the phone number for the Lisbon residence on Strickland's voter registration card has been disconnected. Where is Ted Strickland really from? Is he really a leader? Does he represent Southern Ohio values? I think the answer to the last two is obvious. No, and no. He doesn’t represent our values and he has shown he is no leader. That is why I will be voting Blackwell for Governor in November.

Mark Garbett
New Hope, Ohio