The following is the statement released by Rep. Barton:
"Last week I indicated my interest in election to the House Republican leadership. I said that we have to be real Republicans again, driven by the power of the good ideas that we share with America's working families, if we are to regain their trust.
"People want more freedom and less government. They want to keep more of what they earn. They want to be healthy, they want to be protected from snooping, and they want to believe that their Congress is honest. If we stand with America, America will stand with us.
"Those are the reasons I joined the race for Republican leader and, as I leave the race, I do so confident in John Boehner's commitment to those goals. Because of that, I will join the majority of Republican members on Friday in voting for John to become our next leader.
"He not only has my vote, he has my confidence that he can unify the Republican Conference and bring us back to the majority by exercising the power of good ideas and great determination."
And this is Rep. Boehner's statement in response:
"The race for Republican Leader has provided a forum for a serious and much-needed dialogue about our party and its future. Joe's campaign demonstrated the depth of his commitment to our party and to the conservative principles that brought us to the majority in 1994.
"He articulated a positive vision for the future of our party based on our core principles, and he will continue to be a critical voice within our Conference. I applaud his courage and sacrifice in waging this campaign and look forward to working with him over the next two years as we work to regain our Republican majority.
"This race was and is a contest among allies and it will remain so. If we're going to get our majority back in two years, we're all going to need each other. Throughout this race I have dedicated myself to earning every member's vote, and I am pleased that Joe will back my candidacy. United together as Republicans, I'm confident we will return in two years with a renewed, strengthened majority."