Friday, November 03, 2006

Sherrod Brown on Values - Abstinence Education

Abstinence Education

Brown Voted Against Providing More Access To Abstinence Education:

  • State Department Authorization -- Obstetric Fistula. “Smith, R-N.J., amendment that would increase access to emergency obstetrical care for women suffering from obstetric fistula and increase the fiscal 2007 authorization for new treatment centers to $7.5 million. It would expand prevention by providing access to family planning services and abstinence education and make these prevention activities discretionary.” (H.R. 2601, CQ Vote #389: Adopted 223-205: R 202-25; D 21-179; I 0-1, July 19, 2005, Brown voted Nay)

  • Brown Voted At Least Twice To Cut Funding For Abstinence Education:

  • Fiscal 2005 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Hepatitis C Research. “Jackson-Lee, D-Texas, amendment that would provide $1 million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for Hepatitis C research. The spending would be offset by decreasing funding for abstinence education by $1 million.” (H.R. 5006, CQ Vote #426: Rejected 156-261: R 3-215; D 152-46; I 1-0, September, 8, 2004, Brown voted Yea)

  • Fiscal 2005 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- Health Statistics. “Jackson-Lee, D-Texas, amendment that would increase funding for National Center for Health Statistics surveys by $2.5 million and the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities by $1.5 million. It would be offset by a $4 million decrease in funding for competitive abstinence education grants.” (H.R. 5006, CQ Vote #425: Rejected 112-305: R 0-219; D 111-86; I 1-0, September 8, 2004, Brown voted Yea)

  • Brown Voted At Least Twice Against Increasing Funding For Abstinence Education:

  • AIDS Relief – Abstinence Programs. “Pitts, R-Pa., amendment that would require that one-third of the funding for bilateral assistance for HIV/AIDS prevention go toward abstinence-until-marriage programs.” (H.R. 1298, CQ Vote #157: Adopted 220-197: R 201-21; D 19-175; I 0-1, May 1, 2003, Brown voted Nay)

  • Fiscal 2002 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations -- More Abstinence Funds. “Istook, R-Okla., amendment that would add $33 million to community-based abstinence education programs. (H.R. 3061, CQ Vote #379: Rejected 106-311: R 97-114; D 8-196; I 1-1, October 11, 2001, Brown voted Nay)