Ah, yes, so much has changed with our intelligence communities since 9/11. One thing hasn't changed though: our intelligence agencies still don't play well with one another.
Here is the story of the closing of several FBI investigations into leaks due to the lack of cooperation from the "victim agency" (read "the CIA" - MATT).
At some point, somebody is going to say "Why didn't we shut down all these competing agencies and just start over?" You can put me down in the column of favoring the MI-5 approach... There is absolutely no reason why these agencies shouldn't be helping each other out. And leaks are serious business...especially in the intelligence community.
It is almost as if the "victim agency" wanted those leaks to get out there and isn't interested in punishing those responsible for the leaks. But that just might be a little too conspiratorial for my tastes......
HT: BizzyBlog via email.