Friday, January 12, 2007

McHenry: No to McTuna Exemptions

In a case of illustrating the absurd by being absurd, Rep. Patrick McHenry showed the malfeasance and hypocrisy of the New Democrat Leadership when:
During the House debate yesterday on stem-cell research, Mr. McHenry raised a parliamentary inquiry as to whether an amendment could be offered that would exempt American Samoa from stem-cell research, “just as it was for the minimum-wage bill.” A clearly perturbed Rep. Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat who was presiding, cut off Mr. McHenry and shouted, “No, it would not be.” “So, the chair is saying I may not offer an amendment exempting American Samoa?” Mr. McHenry pressed.

Barney Frank was not amused, but we sure were. Thanks for showing people watching how ludicrous this new leadership is, and how corrupt they are. They cannot even go 100 Hours without showing their true stripes.
Taken from the Washington Times