Of course, Bullwhip Botox Pelosi did not offer a Dem plan other than that other euphemism "redeployment" which of course is liberal for cut and run.
Nice to see how long Dem promises are good for. They run out quicker than holiday gift cards, or Bill Clinton's marriage vows.
Of course, I am sure Nancy would say that it is the President's job to put a plan together since he is commander in chief. However, if that is her defense, as I am sure it would be, then why in the hell did she and Dirty Corrupt Harry Reid send a demand to the White House attempting to usurp the President's power as Commander in Chief (see WMD archives, or Matt might be kind enough to put in a link)? Why did she and Dirty Corrupt Reid loudly protest? The Dems are really good on talking, but so far, the first 100 Hours (wait, it isn't official because they took the day off, I guess) has shown me exactly why we got rid of the Dems in 1994. You thought you saw ineptitude and intransience in the Republican majorities? Well, to coin a phrase from a former President: You ain't seen nothing yet. I believe this article from the National Ledger says it best:
That certainly didn't take long. San Francisco liberal Nancy Pelosi and her friends in the media are very busy trying to convince anyone that will listen that she is not just another left-wing radical from the Bay Area. But during her first interview after being elected US House Speaker, Pelosi has already threatened to follow the advice of the likes of Cindy Sheehan and withhold cash from American troops.
Wow, Cindy Sheehan, she cares about the troops so much she wants to defund them so they can't have bulletproof vests, food, clothing, and a change of shoes. If she treats other people's sons and daughters this way, I wonder how she treated Casey Sheehan? (ouch, I guess that was below the belt. Too damn bad) You know, Nancy Pelosi in her coronation speech said that in everything this Congress must do, it must think about the children.....but I guess she only meant her children and those of her Democrat colleagues. I mean, who cares about those brave children of American families who are putting it all on the line? I mean, they are just peons, and they are just dumb people anyway, right? That is evidently what Nancy and the Libs and Cindy Sheehan think.
When our soldiers don't get what they need to survive, those of you who voted for change simply for the sake of change, remember what you did. This Congress will be far worse than the previous one, and they haven't even started working yet really.
Nancy, you want a plan? Victory is the plan. Victory is the goal. Well, except for you Dems and Libs and pro-terror supporters, I guess. For you, it is all about passing the buck for political gain. It really is sad, also, when I have to give Lindsey Graham props, but I will do it for his appearance on Meet the Press:
Graham tried to provide a modicum of perspective to the Iraq debate, saying "the biggest mistake we could make as a nation is to listen to Pelosi and Reid doctrine of withdrawing without wondering what happens when we leave. . . . I understand it's not popular, but this war is not about the moment, it's about the next decade and the decade to follow." He then pressed Biden about the Democratic impulse to slink out of Iraq, and Biden replied a little testily: "But until we put the right combat power in place with the Iraqis, we will never have a political solution. And I ask my friend Joe Biden, the letter from Pelosi and Reid of leaving in four to six months, do you agree with that?" "I do not," said Biden. "This is a red herring. Here's the deal: 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 troops is not enough. Let's get real here." Of course this is not at all a red herring since the leadership of his own party very explicitly called for the troops to be pulled out in a jointly written letter to the president.
Joe, are the hairplugs getting to your brain. Your own leadership is cut and run. Yet you denied that the Dems are about cut and run, but we have the signed letter by Bullwhip and Corrupt Harry. Do you think we are as stupid as Hillary for saying I do? In your words, Let's get real here.
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