Monday, February 12, 2007

DixieChicks: Grammys Don't Pay the Rent

Yee-ha! The left wing loons in the entertainment media are at it again, telling us what we should listen to and what supposedly is the best in arts and entetainment. They also want to thumb their noses at the majority of American people--us, the great unwashed, out here in flyover country. As such, the Dixie SlutsChicks won 5 Grammys, showing that they were right and we all were wrong about the troops and the President. Yee-hah! However, ask ol FatAss Natalie Mains how the tours are going. Ask her how many packed houses outside L.A. or Manhattan or Tehran or Paris they have played to? Ask her and her airhead cohorts how many albums they have sold since their castigating of the bulk of their fans.

Look, you can win all the awards you want and preach to us. Just remember, we still ain't buying it. I mean, what is funny is, these dumb blonds are acting so enlightened and so full of demure liberalism, when they were the one who gave us such great social commentary like "Goodbye Earl" and songs which were the definition of white trash woman. Yet somehow now they are to be perceived as artists suffering for their craft? Thank you.

I just love it. The left thinks we will go out and see movies or buy CDs just because of how many awards it wins. How are the ticket sales for the last Oscar winning documentary going? Or short film? Come on now. For all the grand talk, I don't recall Babel doing all that well beyond the first week, or any other of the hit pieces meant to demoralize our troops and our resolve in the Greater War on Terror. You know, the Dictator of Syria might have them on his IPod, but that doesn't mean America does. Enjoy your awards Chicks, but don't expect us to buy your garbage.