Monday, February 12, 2007

Don't Think The Liberals and the Media Are Demoralizing Troops and Families? Check out This Call to Rush

From, the entire transcript. I heard the audio and you could tell this woman has been abused by the Democrats and their claims about our soldiers and those who serve in the military, all the while claiming to support the troops. Her son is like 99.999999% of our military, the best and brightest, and not some degenerates with no other choices in life:

RUSH: Melanie in Center Point, Iowa. Welcome to the EIB Network. It's great to have you with us.

CALLER: Dittos, Rush.

RUSH: Hey!

CALLER: I'm just so sick to death of these Democrats saying that Iraq is a catastrophic failure. They want us to fail so bad. I have an 18-year-old son who just joined the Navy. He went to basic training last week.

RUSH: May I ask you a question or two about your son?

CALLER: You sure may.

RUSH: Does your son have absolutely no economic future? Is he totally depressed and thinks his only way to have a possible opportunity to succeed in life is to join the military, and he really hates the military but he has got no other option?

CALLER: No. Please don't make me cry. My son left college because he's going to be a doctor someday. That's what he's adamantly going to do.

RUSH: I'm not trying to make you cry.


RUSH: This is what the Democrats are saying about people like your son who volunteer.

CALLER: They're full of it.

RUSH: They claim to be supporting the troops, but they've done stories in the New York Times and on the networks about how people like your son have no future. The economy in this country just doesn't provide for everybody. Some people are hopeless, some people are destitute, and they have no hope of getting an education unless they go into the military, and they really don't want to. They're doing everything they can. Look, everybody listening to you, Melanie, feels the same way you do and thinks the same way. We are just as angry as we can be over the attempt to demoralize the troops.


RUSH: We are beside ourselves with the Democratic Party's investment in this country's defeat in this war, and we don't understand how they got elected in the process of this. We just do not understand it.

CALLER: They're so full of baloney. My son, he left college. He got his first semester in, but he's like, "Mom, I'm going to be a corpsman. Those guys need me so bad." He wants to go and be with a Marine unit. He's going to be a Navy corpsman, and he wants to go over and be with a Marine unit because he believes that he can be there and help them, and the future he has --

RUSH: You mean he literally just joined after his first year in college?

CALLER: First semester, yeah.

RUSH: After his first semester?


RUSH: What kind of a doctor does he want to be?

CALLER: He doesn't really know right now. He thinks ER.

RUSH: Emergency room?

CALLER: Right. He's been an EMT for about six months, running ambulance calls on our volunteer service, and he just wants to help people.

RUSH: Well, he's doing it more ways than one. When I hear stories like this about your son -- and by the way, I did not mean to inspire tears with your question.

CALLER: No, I apologize. No.

RUSH: I was trying to make a point. This is what the Democrats and the media have been saying about people like your son, and it burns us up.

CALLER: It does.

RUSH: It just infuriates us because the fact of the matter is this: your son represents less than 1% of this whole population in terms of courage and guts and willingness to do something that 99, maybe more, percent of the country would never do.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: And we owe them, we all owe them a debt that we will never, ever be able to repay them.


RUSH: In light of that, we certainly do not need to be destroying their morale or impugning their character or their intelligence for doing this, and that's happening on the left today -- and these people, all the while, are saying they "support the troops."

CALLER: I know, and they're saying, "We just need to end this," and I'm like, "They don't get it. We are at war. They came here and killed our people, and if we leave Iraq, you think they're going to stay there and leave us alone?"

RUSH: Of course not.


RUSH: But the left does. The left doesn't think we face a real threat. The Democrats, the American left does not. They're more concerned about global warming. They're out there actually saying global warming -- Hans Blix the other day, the UN weapons inspector, actually said that global warming -- poses a greater threat to the people of this planet than terrorism does!

CALLER: Oh, my Lord. It's crazy.

RUSH: Now, the bottom line is this, Melanie -- and I'm sure you are -- you need to be as proud of your son as any mother ever has been.

CALLER: I am. I am. He's an awesome kid. I tried to convince him to stay in school, "At least finish his first year." He just felt so called that these guys need him. He has the skills to bring to them to help save lives, and for the Democrats to say: we're going to pass a stinking resolution to undermine the troops and the president just for a political purpose...

RUSH: Oh, they say that that's not what they're doing.

CALLER: (Scoffs.)

RUSH: They say they support the troops. Even though General Petraeus and the secretary of defense, Mr. Gates, have said that such a resolution would give hope to the enemy and would cause a hit to the morale of our troops, the Democrats are continuing to do it, but look, Melanie, take heart! Lo and behold, the Republican Party in the Senate unified and denied them their resolution. It didn't happen. Gifts from strange places at unexpected times! We all love your son. We hear your story and we share how proud of him you are, and we thank God that there are people like you and your husband and your son in the country. I have to run.


God bless you Melanie, your son, and all our troops.