Friday, March 23, 2007

Rep. Gillmor Doesn't Live in His District

One of the things that really gets me are these guys who claim to live in a district that they represent, but really don't. Renting a little hole in the wall doesn't count. A number of us on the right blasted Ted strickland for this sort of behavior and I'm more than willing to call this bi-partisan bad behavior that ought to be stopped.

According to the Toldeo Blade Rep. Gillmor and his wife live in Dublin, Ohio...and not in Tiffin where Gillmor has apparently bought a condo. His children go to school in the Dublin School District, not in Tiffin. Mrs. Gillmor works in Columbus as the vice chairman of the State Employment Relations Board, not in Tiffin.

I'm sure there is some smarmy legal "get Out of Jail Free" card for this sort of stunt, but it really is unethical. If you don't live in the district, you can't represent the people who do. What is so difficult about this concept?

HT: Paindealer via BizzyBlog