Monday, April 09, 2007

Culture of Corruption Update

Remember how Ohio Democrats did their best to smear every Republican with Tom Noe, Bob Taft and Bob Ney? The key phrases they used over and over again were "culture of corruption" and "pay-to-play."

As if Ohio Democrats think the Ohio electorate will forget all of that rhetoric, Ted Strickland has started allowing those who paid a chance to play now.

The Ohio GOP blog provides the particulars:
Today, the State Controlling Board approved a Department of Transportation budget request to waive competitive selection and issue contracts to 18 consulting firms whose PACs or principals (individual donors) made $2,000 or more in contributions last year to the Strickland campaign.

Barr & Prevost - $25,000 to inaugural and other contributions from principals

Burgess & Niple - $25,000 to inaugural from principals

CH2M HILL, Inc. - $2,000 from principals

DLZ Ohio Inc. - $2,000 from principals

EP Ferris & Asscs. - $5,000 from principals

Evans Mechwart Hambleton & Tilton - $16,000 and $2,000 from each principal and their wives

Gannett Fleming Engs & Arcs - $3,000 from principals

Hull & Asscs. - $6,600 from the Hull-Teater-Gebhardt PAC

Jobes Henderson & Asscs. - $3,000 from principals

Jones Stuckey Ltd - $3,000 from principals

M-E Companies, Inc. - $6,500 from the M-E Companies INC PAC

MS Consultants, Inc. - $4,000 from principals

Palmer Engineering - $2,000 from principals

PB Americas/ Parsons Brinckerhoff - $10,000 from the Parsons Brinckerhoff, INC. PAC

Prime Engineering & Architecture - $2,000 from principals

Richland Engineering Ltd. - $2,000 from principals

Tetra Tech Professional Services $2,600 from Tetra Tech Engineers of Ohio INC. SSF

TranSystems Corp. - $5,000 from principals
Ohio Democrats haven't cracked the culture of corruption or stopped pay-to-play antics...they've taken over the racket.

In 2010, we'll have a chance to restore integrity to the Governor's Mansion when John Kasich steps up to the plate. Remember this stuff, Ohio voters...Democrats lied to you...again.