Friday, April 20, 2007

Harry Reid Said Something Else Yesterday

Normally, I don't quote this source directly, but this one was just too interesting to pass up...
Harry Reid said something very odd yesterday. Everybody knows that he said “the war is lost”, but he also said “the U.S. could still pursue political, economic and diplomatic means to bring peace to Iraq.”

So, the war is lost…but we can still win?

Perhaps it’s time to remind the Democrats that we are pursuing “political economic and diplomatic” means to bring peace to Iraq. In fact, that’s the majority of the new strategy. Democrats are simply ignoring that element of the strategy.
Harry Reid is doing his very best to toss some red meat to the nutroot kook base that has hijacked the Democrat party. But he also realizes that he has to walk a tightrope because the American people will not tolerate failure in Iraq... So, what's an amoral liberal in a position of power to do? Naturally, talk out both sides of their mouth... Nothing new here...Bill Clinton built a whole presidency on the concept.