Friday, April 06, 2007

Ohio GOP Weekly Update

Via email:
Democrats in Congress continue their assault on American security; Governor Ted Strickland further shows that he is in way over his head; Marc Dann becomes what he railed against; and various Democrats demonstrate how inept they really are.

The War That Must Not Be Named

First they voted against funding for our troops, now Democrats are taking a page from Harry Potter and refusing to talk about the Global War on Terror in hopes that if they ignore it long enough the War will just go away.

Ted Strickland's Budget Game

Finally the media has caught on to what we have been saying all along. Governor Strickland doesn't have a real budget or education funding plan for Ohio.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Marc Dann campaigned against "pay-to-play" politics, but as Attorney General he is cashing in.

Videos of the week

Has Mark Mallory ever thrown a baseball?

Apparently not. The Democrat mayor's performance would have to qualify as one of the most humiliating throws in baseball history (though it's not clear who's more humiliated - Mallory or Cincinnati ).

Do you need to speak to be crazy?

Resident peacenik and perpetual Democrat presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich proves that you don't need to say anything to be ridiculous.

If your job was to push a button, could you figure out how to push the right one?

That task must be harder than it sounds. In a recent vote, Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown got confused and pulled a John Kerry trick.