Sunday, April 22, 2007

Va Tech Students To Media: Let Us Be In Peace...

You've seen the news coverage from Blacksburg, complete with prominent network anchors reporting from the scene.

And now, the student government at Virginia Tech is asking for all of that to end. It's calling on hundreds of reporters to leave campus by Monday morning, when students are supposed to return toclasses.

A spokeswoman for the student government says the campus appreciates the reporting on the story, but that students are ready to move forward.

Liz Hart says "The best way to know how to do that is get the campus back to normal."

She says students need to be able to get back to class and back into a "normal routine as much as possible" without any reminders of what a "difficult road" it will be.

In her words ... "We already know it."

In other words, quit exploiting us for your own politics, quit trying to get ratings from our pain...and leave us the hell alone....

Here is the rest of the story....