HAPPY EASTER - He has arisen. Alleluia! Have a blessed day, everybody!
MOOKIE AL SADR - Can we just go ahead and kill this guy now? Clearly he is out to cause more mischief than good in Iraq and he is constantly changing sides. I think it is well past time the decision is made for him.
WEAPONS CACHE FOUND IN IRAQ - Pope Benny says that it isn't "positive" that these weapons are off the street.
OPERATION BLACK EAGLE: Iraqi General calls It a "Great Success" - Pope Benny sees nothing "positive" going on in Iraq.
JOINT OPERATION CLEARS TERRORISTS FROM DIYALA RIVER VALLEY - Pope Benny sees nothing "positive" going on in Iraq.
SENIOR AL QAEDA LEADER ARRESTED IN BAGHDAD RAID - Pope Benny sees nothing "positive" going on in Iraq.
MILITARY DOCTORS TREAT AFGHAN WAR’S SMALLEST CASUALTIES - Pope Benny sees growing unrest and instability in Afghanistan.
POPE DRONES ON ABOUT NEGATIVITY SAYS NOTHING POSITIVE ABOUT THE WORLD - At least acording to the AP...Pope Benny had nothing positive to say about the state of the world in his Easter address. One must wonder whether or not the Pope believes that there is still good anywhere in the world at this point. Easter is supposed to be a time of hope and renewal, yet I can always count on the Catholic Church to make everything be about guilt...