Monday, April 16, 2007

WMD Blast

Sorry, folks...a very late start on blogging today due to a heavy work load at the day job...

PORKY'S REVENGE - House Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American - John Boehner - has an op-ed in National Review today. Check it out here.

WORST ECONOMY SINCE HOOVER UPDATE - I saw some fairly positive numbers come out this morning, but don't really have the time to get in to it this morning. BizzyBlog covers that territory much better than I anyway...

FIGHTING TO WIN - As Democrats return to Washington this week to continue their push for a precipitous withdraw from Iraq, please note the following column by Dr. Frederick Kagan of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), published in The Weekly Standard:
"Until late 1864, it looked as though the Union might well lose the Civil War. Within a year, Lincoln had triumphed. The conflict in Iraq is central to our foreign policy, indeed to our well-being. The conflict in Iraq is central to our foreign policy, indeed to our well-being. Surely we must keep fighting to win as long as victory remains possible. And it is possible, although not certain, that we will win in Iraq . Right now, the signs are more hopeful than they have been in many months. It would be a tragedy for America and for Iraq to abandon the fight just as the possibility of success began to emerge."
Read the whole thing here.


11:40AM UPDATE - AP News Alert:
BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) Virginia Tech has reported a shooting on campus and has told students to remain inside away from windows.

1:06PM Update - AP News Alert:
BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) A hospital spokeswoman reports that 17 Virginia Tech students have been treated for gunshot wounds and other injuries.
3:07PM Update - AP News Alert:
BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) Government officials have told The Associated Press the death toll from the Virginia Tech campus shootings has risen to 31.

11:45AM UPDATE - Team Rudy's Finance Team is growing. Details here.