Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Are Democrats Going to Screw You With Taxes?

When the taxman cometh in the not to distant future, he's going to want significantly more dough. This is not news. What is news, is just how much it will effect the citizens of Ohio.

The Heritage Foundation has the figures broken down by Congressional district for each of the fifty states in the union. I'm most interested in Ohio because that's my beat, but check out the link if you are from elswhere.

The setup:
On March 29, the House passed its fiscal year 2008 budget resolution. The House's budget, if imple­mented, could increase taxes significantly over the next five years, in turn decreasing job growth, reduc­ing personal income, and weakening the economy. This paper presents state-by-state and district-by-dis­trict projections of the likely impact of the House's budget resolution on the tax burden, jobs, and eco­nomic growth.
And now, the numbers:
CD/Rep/Total Population/Total Non-Farm Employment/Avg. Tax Increase Per Taxpayer/Additional Per Capita Loss in Personal Income/Loss in Jobs/Loss to Local Economy (in millions)

1 / Chabot (R) / 586,819 / 281,864 / $2,549 / $405 / 2,060 / $188
2 / Schmidt(R) / 644,431 / 307,530 / $3,065 / $445 / 2,248 / $254
3 / Turner (R) / 629,544 / 295,492 / $2,783 / $435 / 2,160 / $218
4 / Jordan (R) / 610,254 / 292,225 / $2,639 / $421 / 2,136 / $184
5 / Gillmor(R) / 614,878 / 308,799 / $2,829 / $424 / 2,257 / $190
6 / Wilson (D) / 593,432 / 258,302 / $2,201 / $410 / 1,888 / $164
7 / Hobson (R) / 628,345 / 297,394 / $2,869 / $434 / 2,178 / $208
8 / Boehner(R) / 629,795 / 304,400 / $2,776 / $435 / 2,225 / $205
9 / Kaptur (D) / 606,199 / 282,363 / $2,614 / $418 / 2,064 / $197
10/Kucinich(D) / 611,778 / 289,219 / $2,636 / $422 / 2,114 / $200
11/ Jones (D) / 554,155 / 232,473 / $1,968 / $383 / 1,699 / $175
12/ Tiberi (R) / 672,635 / 340,747 / $3,258 / $464 / 2,490 / $275
13/ Sutton (D) / 640,996 / 310,249 / $2,950 / $443 / 2,268 / $231
14/LaTourette-R/ 651,598 / 321,456 / $3,329 / $450 / 2,349 / $262
15/ Pryce (R) / 626,845 / 315,391 / $2,894 / $433 / 2,305 / $232
16/ Regula (R) / 627,815 / 303,379 / $2,786 / $433 / 2,217 / $203
17/ Ryan (D) / 595,187 / 280,540 / $2,397 / $411 / 2,050 / $175
18/ Space (D) / 630,900 / 283,108 / $2,345 / $436 / 2,069 / $171

Statewide(R&D) / 11,155,606 / 5,305,471 / $2,716 / $428 / 38,777 / $3,731

NOTE: See the link for the methodology.

A couple of interesting things to note:

  • With the exception of Betty Sutton's 13th District ($231 million), no district represented by a Democrat will lose more than $200 million to their local economy.

  • Constituents of House Ethics Chair, Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, will get hit less than any other district in Ohio when they will pay an average of $1,968 in more taxes. RINO LaTourette's consitituents will get hit the hardest ($3,329 in more taxes).

  • There are exceptions here and there, but generally speaking, the Republican districts are getting hit harder by Democrat proposals to raise your taxes.

  • Ohio GOP should take note of this...making "scary" phone calls about Hillary and Obama aren't as important as taking a good, hard look at what is happening in Ohio.