Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Lesson for the Ohio GOP Too...

Quoth Turk of Kung Fu Quip:
I’ve been withholding comment on RedState’s crusade against Ken Calvert. I’ve done so not because I disagree with Erick, but primarily because I seem to be constantly bitching about the party. Frankly, it’s gotten kind of old and I really would rather have something positive to say.

However, I’ve argued that the state of the GOP online was going to remain largely stagnant until a) we had a common boogey man to work against, or b) we followed the path of the lefty blogoshpere and focused our attention on problems at home.

The RedState effort indicates to me that the former is starting to happen.
Internet saavy Ohio GOPers should probably read the whole thing. SOBers definitely should...

For those who don't want to follow the link, after an explanation of the history and marginilization of the leftysphere, comes this:
On the right, however, the blogs appear to be picking up steam. We have the same dynamic at work (the ideologically corrupt rewarding the morally corrupt) and the base has finally had enough. Regardless of leadership claims that they learned the lesson of 2006, it is clear they haven’t. The base must now hold them accountable.

In doing so, I think we are beginning to see the rise of the online community. By keeping the heat on this issue, even if it runs the risk of more bad press for the GOP, the party’s activist wing can stake their claim.

We cannot advance the conservative ideology of smaller, effective, responsible government if we condone the actions of Republicans who grow government at every turn, waste our tax dollars on frivolous projects to reward themselves and their donors, and run roughshod over the laws they enact. It is hypocrisy of the worst form.
This is what I have been saying for at least two years... If you won't believe me, believe the Bush/Cheney '04 eCampaign Director.