Friday, May 25, 2007

"Quick and Decisive Action"

There is a certain segment of the Republican population in Hamilton County that is getting progressively desperate in their attempts to be relevent. Of course, their efforts are futile; but they can be amusing. Now they are forging letter and sending them to the party chairman. Politics EXTRA has the story:
If you follow Cincinnati politics at all, you've probably heard about the letters to George Vincent. He's the chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party and, if you believe everything you read, his mailbox has been pretty full lately with calls for a thrashing of Chris Monzel because he voted with Democrats to give $800,000 each to the Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati History Museum and Music Hall.

One letter, purportedly from Terry Deters, says the writer is "tired of working for turncoats like Monzel."

Key word here: purportedly. Two of the alleged writers, Westwood activist Mary Kuhl and Price Hill activist Pete Witte, say they wrote no such thing.

"It's a sad forgery," Witte said.

The first giveaway, he said, was that the letter was on "From the Desk of Peter Witte" letterhead. He has no such letterhead.

"I'd be more likely to have a Dilbert cartoon in the corner," he said.

Plus, if he wanted to talk to Vincent, he'd pick up the phone or send him an e-mail. Does he have any suspects?

"I do, but I won't tell you," Witte said. "It's not worth stirring it up."
Lots more over at EXTRA...and, as usual, the comments are as entertaining as the story itself!