An accused enemy combatant held at Guantanamo Bay told a military hearing he was physically as well as mentally tortured there by having to read a newsletter full of 'crap,' being forced to use unscented deodorant and shampoo and having to play sports with a ball that would not bounce.Oh! The humanity!!!
And just what has this innocent little lamb done to deserve such treatment?
Khan was captured in Pakistan in 2003. The military says he has provided support to Al Qaeda and has expressed a desire to assassinate Pakistan's President Pervez Musharaff. U.S. government authorities have said that Khan was also involved in plots to blow up American gas stations and poison U.S. reservoirs. The April 15 hearing is the first step in possible war crimes charges against him.I demand an investigation!
UPDATE: I mean clearly America has become worse than her enemies:
He said he has been unable to see his daughter, was denied communal recreation for 11 weeks, went four weeks without sunlight and fresh air, was deprived of basic or comfort items for three weeks, had his beard shaved twice and was forced to wear a protective suicide prevention smock.This poor creature also engaged in a hunger strike. Imagine that! Being forced to have to turn down the best food these people have ever had before!!!
"They know my weaknesses — what drive me crazy and what doesn't," he said.
The CIA and Pentagon have said their interrogations practices are legal and that they do not use torture.That's a laugh...what a bunch of Chimpy McShrubbyBusHitler marroons. Next they will say that Darth HALLIBURTON! had nothing to do with the orders to TORTURE! this poor man who has nothing but love for America...