What I want to point out is this... According to lefties like Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan, Chavez is the best thing on the planet for his people. But note that the most popular television channel in Venezuela was critical of the socialist dictator.
Think about what that means for a minute...
SIDEBAR: BizzyBlog has a pretty good synopsis of the story as well.
UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh has an interesting view on this:
Hugo Chavez shuts down opposition media voices in the Venezuelan version of "The Fairness Doctrine."That's about right...
UPDATE 2: From today's State Department brifing's opening statement:
The United States joins the expressions of concern made by the international community about the May 27th closure of RCTV, Venezuela's only independent television network with nationwide broadcast coverage. We join with many other organizations from the European Union to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to private NGOs in speaking on this subject. Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and it's an essential element of democracy anywhere in the world. And we'd certainly call on the Government of Venezuela to abide by its commitments under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Inter-American Democratic Charter and to reverse these policies that they're pursuing to limit freedom of expression.You know, they said that if Bush was re-elected voices would be silenced...and they were.