Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Boehner Says Democrats Must Put Forth Clean Troop Funding Bill

Via email:
At a press event with House GOP leaders today, Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) called on Democrats to do the right thing and support America 's troops fighting - as the Speaker termed it - the "Global War on Terror":
"The Democrat majority in Congress has a responsibility to put forward a clean bill that will support our troops. Now, a clean bill means that we don't have handcuffs on the generals, we don't have surrender dates, and we don't tie the hands of those generals trying to prosecute the war on the ground. A clean bill also means that we won't have all of this excess spending in this bill riding on the backs of our soldiers.

"And so I hope my Democrat colleagues will do the right thing. Republicans are here to work with them. And if they're willing to do the right things, Republicans will be there to support them to get a new bill to the White House as soon as possible." (AUDIO)
The Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- also has an op-ed up at RedState that continues with this theme. Read it here.