Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Boehner Statement Opposing the Democrats’ No-Interior Energy Appropriations Bill - UPDATED

Via email:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) today issued the following statement opposing H.R. 2463, the FY 2008 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act:
“Democrats continue their spending spree as if the federal government has a credit card with no limit and American families don’t pay the bills. And while they’re saddling taxpayers with billions in excessive spending, the majority has also used this bill to make sure no new energy is produced within the interior of the United States to lower gas prices for American consumers.

“The Interior Appropriations bill is classic example of the Democrats’ double-speak on American energy. They talk about high energy prices and the need for consumer relief, but they act to repeal the advancements established by Republicans to spur American energy investment, create good jobs, and lower prices for consumers. In fact, whether it’s natural gas, electricity or gasoline, the majority continues to make energy more expensive for the American family by making less of it available here at home.

“In addition to their tax-and-spend approach to the budget, Democrats are further undermining our security by depriving America of the energy supplies we need to drive our economy. This is a bad bill for American families and small businesses alike, and House Republicans will uphold the President’s veto to prevent the majority from handing yet another competitive advantage to foreign nations with its flawed economic policies.”
NOTE: Developing nations such as India and China have “overtaken the United States in dominating the global energy industry,” according to a new study released yesterday. Led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Democrats are responding to this challenge by crafting legislation that (1) produces no new American energy whatsoever; (2) erects new bureaucratic impediments and disincentives to investment in American energy production; and (3) repeals the Ultra-deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas Research and Development Program created by Republicans in 2005 to enhance American energy security. It is currently utilized by American petroleum engineers at 23 major research universities and four not-for profit research institutions.
With all the shamnesty news this week, I really haven't devoted sufficient time to this issue...

Once again, we're seeing Democrats do what they do best: misleading the American people about faux accomplishments on issues that require real action. An energy bill that fails to increase America's supply of energy is just the sort of empty "accomplishment" that we've come to expect from the Democrat-led 110th Congress. We need a real solution to our energy needs, but don't look to the Democrats to actually provide the answer...

UPDATE (7:23 PM) - Via email:
The Republican motion-to-recommit H.R. 2643 was designed as an energy insurance policy for American consumers. It would have required the Secretaries of the Interior and Energy Departments study the bill and certify - before the bill could have the effect of law - that the Democrats’ bill would not (1) reduce domestic energy supplies from federal lands (2) increase dependence on foreign sources of energy or (3) result in higher energy prices for consumers. 220 Democrats voted NO.

Mark's Remarks

But it's not really about doing's about feeling good...
To wit,

we wanted to feel good about poverty, so we started the least successful and longest war in US history--The War on Poverty, and look at the results--inner cities more dangerous and more poverty stricken, black families disintegrated, black standards of living falling, more dependency

we wanted to feel good about not drilling for icky oil--leads us to be dependent on dictators, sheikhs, and terror supporters like Hugo Chavez and the Sauds and such.

we wanted to feel good about not cutting down the trees--we get more wildfires like in Lake Tahoe......

You see, real measures and real issues require thought about consequences, not just following the Clinton model of if it makes you feel good do it...are you listening Senator Whinovich....oh boy, the Get along gang will deluge me with emails now.....