Thursday, June 28, 2007

House GOP Unveils Report Chronicling Democrats' Top 100 Broken Promises - UPDATED w/ VIDEO

Via email:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – At the six-month mark of the new majority, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) joined other House GOP leaders in unveiling a report today on the Top 100 Broken Promises (PDF) by House Democrats. Boehner issued the following statement:
“The ‘new’ Democratic majority has simply picked up where the old Democratic majority left off – with a long list of broken promises, little in the way of accomplishments, and a dangerous disconnection from the American people. Americans believe they were sold a bill of goods, and the Democrats’ record of failure has led to the lowest poll ratings for Congress in its history.

“As our report shows, the dozens of promises made by Democrats last fall were all pushed aside once they actually had the power to act on them. Whether it was a pledge to increase access to affordable health care for uninsured Americans, or a commitment to help lower gas prices and reduce our dependence on foreign oil, the majority has demonstrated a total inability to govern.

“On the other hand, House Republicans succeeded in restoring earmark reforms that bring greater transparency and accountability to federal spending. We have a plan to balance the federal budget that stops the raid on Social Security and does not raise taxes. We stood united to provide our troops the resources they need to defeat radical jihadists, and are determined to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws. And we’ve proven successful in strengthening and exposing flaws in Democratic bills. Simply put, where the majority is failing to lead, Republicans are stepping up.”
NOTE: The report takes a critical look at Democratic promises on health care, education, energy, national security, fiscal responsibility, and more. While Democrats are reneging on their pledges to voters, House Republicans have spoken with one voice and kept our promise to the American people to return to our core principles and focus on a smaller, less costly, and more accountable federal government. The report on Democratic broken promises can be found here (PDF).
UPDATE: Video...