Wednesday, June 27, 2007

RINOvich Will Say "I Voted for It Before I Voted Against It"

Jim Geraghty has the perfect response for this line of rationalization over on The Corner:
[A]s we all know, a vote for cloture amounts to a vote for passage; nobody's fooled by the "I voted for cloture but against the bill" kabuki anymore.
So why did he do it? Because he still thinks he can fool us. If this bill passes in the Senate, Voinovich will be one of the reasons why it does so...

And let me head off the old "But the House will NEVER pass this" bit while we're at it.

We all agree that this bill sucks, right?

There is no way that the House will pass it, right?

We already know there is no Presidential veto coming on this one...

And what is the likelihood of this issue making its way to the Supreme Court?

This is exactly what we thought about McCain-Feingold... We thought for sure that piece of excrement would never be turned in to law and guess what happened? That is why these things are so important. We can no longer afford to wait for the House or the President or the Supreme Court...

This is a fight worth having, so let's engage it full throttle.

Mark's Remarks

CRY HAVOC, AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!!!!!! I am sick and tired of being told by the armchair political wannabes that, shhhh, don't engage in the debate, because we have to appear together and we have to support incumbents. Bullka-ka! Senator Traitorvich has shown his true colors. He is not resonsive to the people who elected him, and he just cares about what his friends, former lovers, and lobbyists in Cleveland think about him. He cares only for what the Washington and Elite Blue blood republicans think about him, not what is good for the country. He has put his own feelings above the will of the people and what is best for the country. He has basically called our troops a bunch of failures, he has said that America deserves to be overrun by MS-13 and the rest of the criminals Mexico encourages to leave the country. He must not want to have to do his own gardening and get his fingernails dirty. And he whines and cries because his staff and maybe even himself actually has to do something and hear some complaints. Well, Senator, if you voted to preserve the sanctity of citizenship and actually encouraged people to assimilate, maybe you could hire some "migrant" workers to read your mail. Although given your rate of response, maybe you are doing that already......

Unless, of course, you're cool with illegal aliens breaking our laws and sapping our system dry... If that's the case, feel free to stand on the sidelines and snipe at those of who actually have principles on the issue...