Thursday, June 28, 2007

RINOvich's Plan "E" for "Exit"

This is CNN:
Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, is jumping straight to what he calls Plan "E" for "Exit."

"It's time for the United States to put together a comprehensive plan for gradual disengagement in Iraq," Voinovich said. "We're running out of time and I don't think it's fair to the next administration to say, 'Hey by the way, we're leaving this baby for you guys to figure out.' "

In a letter to the president, Voinovich, also a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, called for military disengagement and increased diplomatic engagement.

Both Lugar and Voinovich said they don't favor setting timetables for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq but they are trying to get Bush's attention and convince him that it's time to develop an exit strategy.

In fact, in the position paper Voinovich sent to Bush, called "The Way Forward in Iraq," he cited the possibility that voters might elect a president in 2008 who would promise an immediate withdrawal from Iraq as a reason to change course.

Voinovich said there are more Republicans who feel the same.

"I think many of my colleagues share my concerns," he said. "They're frustrated."
Real Republicans want Victory in Iraq, Senator... We want our brave men and women in the military who have sacrificed so much to come home with honor and having accomplished the entire mission.

Does Plan E even mention Victory, Senator? Or does that matter? Does Plan E include what happens if we pull out before our enemy is vanquished? Does Plan E say that Islamofascists take over Iraq as a base for more attacks against America and her allies?

Or does any of that matter to you, sir? I would ask you directly, but phone calls and emails from constituents intimidate you and as we all now know YOU CAN NOT INTIMIDATE GEORGE VOINOVICH...