Friday, June 22, 2007

State Rep. Tom Brinkman - Legislative Update

From a Brinkman fundraising email:
It has been a busy six months in Columbus and I am proud to report that much has been accomplished.

The House passed an operating budget that contained NO new or increased taxes and fees as well as the largest property tax cut in the history of the State of Ohio. We expect the Governor to sign both items at the end of this month.

The Speaker of the House chose me for two important tasks in this General Assembly. One is to Chair the Commerce and Labor Committee. The other is to draft and sponsor a key piece of legislation which will reform adoption in the State of Ohio. I am honored to have been selected for these important tasks, but they also carry with them additional responsibilities for raising the necessary funds to maintain a Republican majority in the Ohio House of Representatives.
I really do like how some of the state politicos are starting to engage in web operations. It is about time...we need more of this sort of thing.