Friday, July 27, 2007

Neville Chamberlain Would be Proud

Sally Quinn, idiotic former CBS infobimbo, married to some Watergate reporter, appeared on Hardball regarding the fight between HillRod and Barry Obama about meeting with Iranian and Syrian leaders and talking about our differences. Somewhere, Neville Chamberlain is proud while burning in Hell and PT Barnum's talk about a sucker born every minute has been proven right again. Here is her quote from Hardball, and think about it in the context of German appeasement and the appeasement left of today:
And the fact is the new word these days is dialogue. And so many of these dictators—quote dictators, are really sort of shallow people who are looking for respect. And if you talk to them, you can immediately sort of get them down and get them on your side.

Yeah, these are just quote dictators, because, you know, totally destroying the freedom of expression and determinining every aspect of your citizenry's lives is perfectly acceptable--after all, isn't the Fairness Doctrine a de facto plank of the Democrat agenda? So, these people aren't really dictators, they are just misunderstood. As they put people in prison for their beliefs, it is really just a cry for help, just like, in this dumbass woman's opinion, I guess, Hitler gassing Jews was really a cry for respect for his postcard art. Get real people!