Investor's Business Daily has an editorial that puts to bed any notion that the All-Night Fiesta Party that the Democrats threw in the United States Senate this week failed to achieve its stated objective. I continue to believe that the entire show was nothing more than a Democrat fundraiser...and if that doesn't turn your stomach, I don't know what will.
Iraq: Instead of all-night pajama parties and obtuse legislative ploys, why can't Democrats be honest and just shut off war funding? Answer: They know it would betray our troops and turn Iraq into a slaughterhouse.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich is one of the most left-leaning presidential candidates ever, but at least he's honest. Earlier this month, when the House passed the sure-to-be-vetoed "Responsible Redeployment From Iraq Act," Kucinich was one of only 10 Democrats to oppose it.
"This bill will not end the war," the Ohio Democrat pointed out. Instead, "We must inform the administration that the $97 billion appropriated last month is the end of the financing for the war."
He went on: "We could have our troops home by October 1st. The question is whether we're ready to take a stand to do that, or whether we're going to vote on resolutions that give the American people the appearance that we want to end the war, without actually addressing the central issue that will end the war. Stop the funding."
What an embarrassment for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who just presided over a Senate slumber party regarding Iraq .
If Democrats were serious about ending the war, they would cut the funding. They won't do that because Congress has the worst approval rating in history and if they do that, the American people will make sure that they reach Bob Taft territory. So all of this bluster is nothing more than a ploy to placate the base of the Democrat Party that really wants America to lose this war.