Thursday, July 12, 2007

“Operation Turncoat”

American Legion:
Washington, DC (July 12, 2007) - “Operation Turncoat” is how the leader of The American Legion described the rhetoric coming from some of the nation’s leading lawmakers concerning the troop surge and question of withdrawal from Iraq.

“Violence is down in two key areas where the ‘surge’ is focused - Baghdad and Anbar,” National Commander Paul A. Morin said. “Also, the Iraqis have provided three trained brigades of their own as promised. Eight of the 18 benchmarks are showing progress. It’s too early to measure the other benchmarks before September.

“All this talk on Capitol Hill about ‘responsible redeployment’ is nothing more than irresponsible political rhetoric,” Morin said. “Congress should be more concerned with victory in Iraq than defeat in their home states and districts next year. They were elected to make tough decisions to protect America , not their political careers.

“This movement to withdraw our troops, before they’ve had the chance to finish the mission they are well capable of finishing, amounts to an impatient political media stunt I’d call “Operation Turncoat,” he said. “Some benchmarks have been met and some aspects of the ‘surge’ are working but have been little reported by the media.”

The American Legion believes that Congress is ill suited to micromanage the war, and it should leave battlefield and strategy decisions to the Commander in Chief and his field commanders. “Give the troop surge a chance to succeed,” said Morin. “They just got there last month. Congress must allow the troops a chance to stabilize an unstable region, especially after having just voted two months ago to continue the war. Personally, I think our troops will get the job done if we will just let them do it.”

Congress passed a 2007 war-spending bill in May that identified 18 benchmarks for security, economic and political reforms in Iraq . These benchmarks are to be measured in September when Gen. David Petraeus gives his progress report to Congress as agreed upon.

“There is no more important issue right now than sustaining a strong national defense,” Morin said. “Premature withdrawal and timelines severely jeopardize our national security. This is not a war without end. Our men and women can be victorious. And there is no greater way to honor our fighting men and women in uniform than by ensuring they have the resources, time, patience and support of the American people as they can complete this mission.”