"It's inevitable that the U.S. is gonna disengage."What does this guy want for crying out loud? We're winning. The surge is working. God God, RINOvich, you are agreeing with the likes of Slow Joe Biden for goodness sakes:
"We ain't stayin'. We're not staying," said Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Delaware.And where were the Democratic leadership? Absent, as usual...
Top Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid did not attend the Baghdad briefings. They're committed to forcing the start of a U.S. pullout as soon as possible.Nothing is going to stop these guys from surrendering...
So what did these august members of the World's Most Deliberative Body hear?
The U.S. combat commander in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno, was featured in the second feed to the capitol.Of course, not reported here is that Crocker also said that an American troop withdrawal would make the situation much worse... Crocker's full statement goes like this:
"Listen and hear what we're saying cause there is some progress being made," said Odierno.
The third satellite feed put the Bush administration's ambassador to Iraq into a Senate hearing, but Ryan Crocker admitted that despite the surge, one word sums up life now in Iraq: "in the neighborhoods and at the national level, that word would be fear."
"If there's one word I would use to sum up the atmosphere in Iraq, on the streets, in the countryside, in the neighborhoods and at national level, that word would be ‘fear,'" said Crocker, who has been in Iraq for a little less than four months. "For Iraq to move forward at any level, that fear is going to have to be replaced by some level of trust and confidence, and that is what the effort at the national level is about."It doesn't get any plainer than that.
So what does RINOvich propose as an alternative? Cut and run? Then what, Senator??? I'd ask you directly, but my phone calls and emails intimidate you...
What about Victory, Senator? Can we get a plan for that out of you?
[Source: NBC News via KTUU.com]