Sunday, July 08, 2007

Strickland Wants to Raise Your Electric Bill, Too...

The Columbus Dispatch reports that if Taxin' Ted can find some time in his schedule, he'd like to raise your electricity bill by re-regulating the companies that provide our homes and businesses with energy.

I did some digging, but was unsuccessful in finding out just how much we are saving under deregulation. I suspect that with competition (kind of like that cable bill that Strickland just signed), companies that are providing us with electricity are going to do so at the best prices they can. After all, the point of business is to stay in business and when there is competition there are two ways of staying in business... One is to provide a superior product with superior service. The other is to provide the product or service for less cost. The important thing is that the consumer has a choice.

Here is another argument... What right does government have to get involved in the relationship citizens have with the companies that they choose to do business? Is there a safety concern here that I am not aware of??? Regulation of industries expands the role and scope of government in to our daily lives. The governed ought to have a say in whether or not it is appropriate for government to insert itself into our business.