NOTE: This post will be updated throughout the day with interesting links and observations.
John Boehner Op-Ed in ITB: "College Bill Adds To Entitlement Burden"
Taegan Goddard notes the Quinny poll's results for the presidential race in Ohio. I have my own questions about that poll -- which I hope to get to later -- but it looks like good news for Rudy...at least, until he gets to the general election where HILLARY! Inc. edges him...
AP News Alert:
WASHINGTON (AP) The administration's report on Iraq today will show that there has been satisfactory progress on eight benchmarks, unsatisfactory progress on another eight, and mixed results on the other two, defense officials said.As I expected, this actually turned out to be a mixed bag. Last week, we were hearing from leakers that this report was going to say that no progress was being made and that we were in a total quagmire with no hope. As usual, the politically motivated leakers were wrong.
Another AP News Alert:
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) President Gen. Pervez Musharraf vows to crush Islamic extremists in every corner of Pakistan.I prefer action to all these words...