I've got my issues with weak Republicans (see RINOvich), so I understand the desire to want to advance an agenda. It is the timing of this nonsense that just slays me. While most prognosticators have been saying that it is highly unlikely that another flip will occur this cycle, the Democrats have the slimmest of majorities in the Senate and the House isn't out of reach either. Congress has an approval rating of 18% for Pete's sake!
What has me doubly amused is that the Leftysphere's version of Matt Dole can be found...wait for it...on the BS Blog. Here we see "2010 Buckeye" saying that the national crowd ought to take a hike and the Zack Space is the bestest Democrat in the whole wide world. Good times and good memories there...
My view on all of this is simple: Protecting Incumbistan when there are better alternatives is not good politics. But purging folks with whom you agree on 75% of the issues is just downright stupid.
UPDATE: Justin Higgins has more over at Right on the Right