Thursday, August 02, 2007

More Pork from the "Deficit Hawk"

The Toledo Blade reports that the Crying Man, our Senator RINOvich was thrilled to spend more of your money on pork. This time, the "deficit hawk" secured $200,000 for a "weed and seed" program in Toledo. Basically, this program funds police (what are local taxes for again?) to "weed out" the criminal element while a community program "seeds" the area with prevention, treatment, and neighborhood restoration strategies. That sounds like a federal priority to me... Certainly more important than securing our borders, indeed.

UPDATE: More "Deficit Hawking" from the Crying Man, our Senator RINOvich. This time he wants funding to have a commission "study" whether or not our critical infrastructure like roads and bridges are deteriorating. Hillary Clinton is a co-sponsor of the bill... Here is a better idea, Senator, instead of "studying" the problem, why not spend the money to fix it? Although, I have to say, our children and grandchildren are going to be footing the bill for that... Maybe you are right, George, just talking about it makes much more sense.