Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This Drives Me Crazy

When he's not giving the Governor hugs and kisses, Speaker Jon Husted is singing Governor Strickland's praises. Here is the latest example from Campaigns and Elections:
One reason he’s earned the buzz is his bipartisan governing style. The budget he signed in July emerged from a Republican-led House and Senate with just one “no” vote. Though Strickland used his line-item veto on money for special-education vouchers and abstinence-only teaching, he earned some praise from Republicans.

“On the tax side, it was pretty easy for us to get along with him,” said House Speaker Jon Husted (R), who noted that his side had proposed the budget’s tax plan. “[There were] minor differences on the spending side. There wasn't a lot of money to spend and not a lot to fight over.”
Now, I get that that the Speaker is trying to get his point across that Republicans proposed the tax plan in the budget...but what is the soundbite here? "It was pretty easy for us to get along with him." That is the soundbite...

What this does is create a false aura of bi-partisanship for the governor and his fellow Democrats. It couldn't be further from the truth. We have the most partisan Secretary of State in Ohio history. Marc Dann has been on a one-man crusade to destroy what is left of the business climate in this state by suing everybody who is left making any money. Republicans need to start laying this stuff at the governor's feet now...

Unless, of course, Republicans think that Ohio would be better off with Strickland on the Hillary! ticket and Ohio left in the hands of that warm and lovable ultra conservative Lee Fisher... Look, I'm sure Fisher would make for a much better opponent when the time comes, but what will be left of Ohio? We're already expected to lose two electoral votes in the next census, are we shooting for three or four?

If a reporter wants a quote on Strickland, just say he's a real swell guy and let that be it. Don't give them soundbites that build Strickland up. That's just dumb...and it doesn't inspire the base either. You know, those people who's money you all keep asking for...

UPDATE: This is just as good a time as any to address this post on the Ohio GOP blog that has been bugging me too. So we have Kevin DeWine declaring Strickland King of Ohio and Marc Dann is his court jester. Except that the court jester was typically the only courtesan that actually brought any kind of contrarian view to the king. Anybody think Dann is singing tunes that Strickland doesn't want to hear or juggling items that Strickland thinks aren't valuable? Marc Dann is a fool, but he's no court jester...

UPDATE 2: Brian adds something in the comments, but also has a post up over at One Oar...