Thursday, September 06, 2007

Hsu Hsu Pedals Back to China? Or did Hillary pull a Vince Foster on Him?

Who knows, but Norman Hsu, fugitive felon and Big Time Hillary Clinton Fundraiser (her own Campaign calls them HillRaisers), has fled justice again. I have been so busy with the Donuts over my Baby Mom in Clermont County I neglected to post on this yesterday. He failed to show up in court after turning himself in on a 15 year old charge. One wonders, was it this charge, or was it something else? Here is the skinny:
Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu failed to appear Wednesday for a bail hearing and a judge issued a new warrant for his arrest.
Hsu forfeits the $2 million bail he posted last week.

Hsu's lawyer said he doesn't know where his client is.

Hsu had been a fugitive in California for 15 years during which time he became a top donor to Democratic candidates, including presidential contenders Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.

Hsu pleaded no contest in 1991 to a felony count of grand theft, admitting he'd defrauded investors of $1 million in a bogus investment scam. Prosecutors say he was facing up to three years in prison when he skipped town before being sentenced.

Federal Election Commission records show Hsu donated $260,000 to the Democratic Party and candidates since 2004.

Well, in reference to where Hsu is, I would say, back to China...or maybe someone should check out scenic parks near the area, he might be there with a questionable gunshot wound....just don't ask Hillary...she knows nuttzing, nuttzing! (Hogan's Heroes reference...)

Either way, this gets fishier all the time. Hsu wasn't just running from 3 years in the pen. I think he knows that the bundling charges being levelled out there, especially when you look at his relationship to the Paw family and the matching donating patterns, were going to come to bear. I think Hillary told him to run or encouraged him, or some Dem operative did. I mean, look at all the big time Clinton donors...they all escape the arms of the law: the Riadys, the Lippo Group people, the Pauline Kanchanalaks. And don't forget ChiComm Johnny Cheung.

Hillary may loo different than her husband, but she still reeks of the nasty smell of corrupt donors and influence peddlers that her husband's campaigns were chockfull of. This woman should not be a Senator, much less President.

And I guess Ted Strickland, Sherrod Brown, Jennifer Brunner and Ed Rendell, all who took money from Hsu, will just have to rely on donations from the Paws (let's see if they continue giving now that Hsu Flung Poo is out of the picture) and other ChiComm front donors. The Dems and Commies, tied at the hip for decades.