Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Note to Ohio GOP: Hispandering is STILL Not the Answer

Our friends over at the Ohio GOP blog, State of the Union, are still missing the point on the illegal immigration debate. Here is their post in its entirety:
Something to consider
Amid the contentious debate over immigration, here's something the GOP should add to the discussion:
In Rove's words, "You cannot ignore the aspirations of the fastest-growing minority in America."

But the party seems to be rolling up the welcome mat, even at the risk of alienating Hispanics who have the potential to swing five crucial states in the 2008 presidential election. As conservative political activist Clint Bolick warned in an Arizona newspaper not long ago, "If Republicans continue chasing Hispanic voters away, they can kiss their national electoral prospects good-bye."
Nobody is saying that the GOP ought to alienate the Hispanic vote. That would be political suicide, but what we are saying is that we ought to continue to be the law and order party in this country and make sure that the immigrants that we do welcome are legal ones.

Leave the Hispandering to the Democrats...

Build the wall...build the Very Large Gate... Homeland Security ought to be more than the pathetic joke that it is now. Get control of the situation and then let's talk about guest worker programs and the like. But no more entitlement boondoggles...the Democrats are going to hit us with plenty of those as it is...